Wednesday 29 December 2010


We normally go to France, Cornwall or Japan for Christmas, but we decided to stay in London this year and have a lazy holiday. (It is my 2nd Christmas in London in the last 14 years!!)

One of the things on my daughter's wish list was a Gingerbread house kit, which was great because she had something creative to do at home during our lazy holiday. It was fun decorating the house with her. If you are looking for something to do with your kids, I think they are great! And they are on sale at John Lewis as well.

B Mirai created a scene with her Gingerbread house
Mrs Dino came to see the gingerbread house and Pee Wee Herman and Miss Yvonne had too many sweets...

Friday 17 December 2010


We had a pop up shop at Abney Hall in Stoke Newington last Saturday. It was very nice to meet people and talk to them about Bellieboo items directly. I also enjoyed exchanging information about children events over the Christmas holiday. I would like to take my daughter to the Bagpuss show at Soho Theatre.

Aki and I totally forgot to take pictures of our stall, so I asked B.Mirai to draw it for us. I think her description is pretty good!

It was great to meet Courtney from Babyccino too.

Monday 6 December 2010


We were not going to send any Christmas cards this year. But after we got so much snow last week, we got bored and started making the cards with potato stamps. You get a nice organic shape and texture in the print, which is lovely.

We also used glitter to decorate them too.

Potato stamps: christmas tree, star, dots and small star

Sunday 21 November 2010


Since my daughter B Mirai was 3 years old, we have been going shopping together for Christmas decorations. She is allowed to choose one or two decorations each year. The first year she got a bright red heart and she got two pink birds last year. Her choice this year was a gold reindeer and a sparkly star. I figured out she really loves something very BOLD. I love neutral colours, so I am worried that my decorations will clash with hers. Probably I should get her her own Christmas Tree this year.

Here is my daughter's collection

It was quite amazing that the projection could detect our movement into their image.
She had jolly good fun with that.

Thursday 18 November 2010


I was so sad to find out that I missed the opportunity to purchase this extra specially special book, The secret garden designed by Lauren Child. It was published to celebrate Puffin's 70th anniversary in September this year. It is so gorgeous!
I wish I had known about this earlier.

Look at the details! I wonder how they produced 1000 copies of this complicated book?

Tuesday 9 November 2010


We went to our friends' place in Epping Forest for Bonfire Night last weekend and it was great fun to see a big fire and lots of fireworks. There were so many yummy dishes, Sushi, Dahl, Apple Crumbles (this is my signature dish) and so on... As soon as Sarah was playing the violin with her son, Ben, we started dancing!

We also had lanterns and it was one of the most magical moments.

It's getting smaller and smaller...

Next morning... we had a little walk in the garden and had a breakfast in front of the bonfire.

Sunday 24 October 2010


My husband bought a hardback first edition of Charlie Brown's All Stars (1966) for our daughter from a second hand bookshop near St Martin's Lane the other day. It was very reasonable, £4.50 (a bargain!!) and in very good condition. And the story was very sweet and warm and so old that we had never even heard of some of the characters. I love the smell of old books, which make me feel a bit nostalgic.

Friday 22 October 2010


One of my lovely friends, Mika, sent us this adorable Kasutera cupie doll from Japan, because she knew that we love Kasutera very much

If you would like to get this, then you have to go to Nagasaki! I am afraid that it is a limited edition cupie doll from this prefecture :(

Monday 18 October 2010


I love this quirky reversible bib! Okay, a plastic bib might be more practical for cleaning, but it has would have a cold and hard texture. This bib is very soft and you almost want to snuggle with it. In addition, the details are just so lovely. Look at the pom-pom and little pockets on the front. It's so cute.

Monday 27 September 2010


We have been working on a couple of kids screenings with the Raindance Film Festival since June and we finally managed to get an agreement with Studio Ghibli for the screenings of My Neighbour Totoro and Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind about two weeks ago. Optimum Releasing is kindly sponsoring the screening. :) (Thank you very much, Helen)

We think it will be a great opportunity for both children and adults to see these classic animated films which were last seen on the big screen in the UK in 1989. I cannot wait to see them with my family.

My Neighbour Totoro
Running time | 86 min Classification |U
Sunday 10th October at 3.45 pm in Apollo, Piccadilly Circus

Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind
Running time | 116 min Classification |PG
Saturday 2nd October at 2pm in Apollo, Piccadilly Circus

Tuesday 21 September 2010


A good friend of mine, Joanna sent me a lovely picture of Bellieboo bag from Wroming, USA. Bellieboo bag here's used to carry a picnic lunch in the Grand Teton mountain range. According to Joanna, just after this picture was taken a marmot almost ate the contents! I hope they are having lots of fun and making a good film out there.

Wednesday 15 September 2010


This is very exciting for Bellieboo to be featured in Junior Magazine this month. And I would like to thank Matthew who wrote lovely things about us!

The Flower Earmuffs are going to arrive in the UK in two weeks. And some of our Autumn and Winter range is finally ready tomorrow. It has been a nightmare getting our products from Japan this time.......

Here is a close-up pic.

Sunday 1 August 2010


My daughter lost four teeth recently and her last one went missing while she was having a burger at our friend's garden party... She was really concerned that the tooth fairy wouldn't be able to come and give her some money... So she wrote a little note for the fairy to make sure that the fairy was going to visit her room.

We do not have a tooth fairy in Japan, so it was a totally new experience for me to be a tooth fairy (in fact my husband is the real tooth fairy). I did a little market research to find out how much a tooth fairy should give. It starts from 50 pence to 2 pounds, so we decided to give a pound. Personally I think 2 pounds is a bit too much!

In Japan, we throw teeth over the top of roof if it is a bottom tooth and we bury it in ground if it is an upper tooth. We believe that doing this encourages the new tooth to grow quickly.

Tuesday 27 July 2010


We have been to Tom’s Fantastic Art Club for four years and it is always lots of fun for children to create something. This year's theme was designing a hat to match the costume. There were 18 children, aged from 1 to 13 years old and visitors are from all over the UK and sometimes from abroad too. Emski, from Shropshire, who took this lovely picture was there with her husband, Simon and her little one William.

Tom started his art club by putting some flyers up near his home which is on the edge of Epping Forest. When artist Gee Vaucher, his neighbour, saw his flyer, she was intrigued by it. Soon after that, they started organising his art club.

Wednesday 21 July 2010


Bellieboo is organising a kids screening at Raindance Film Festival in London for this September. And I came across this fantastic Japanese animation, Hipira-kun. They have a lovely 3-D animation style and a cute little vampire character, Hipira.

Hipira kun was written by a well known Japanese animator and film director, Katsuhito Omoto who is a creator of Akira and illustrated by Shinji Kimura. They published the book, Hipira for children originally and it was broadcast on NHK BS3 in Japan. I love this animation very much, because it is so stylish and cutting edge.

Friday 16 July 2010

Tuesday 13 July 2010


I am enjoying this cool weather at the moment, because I can bake again!
I have started baking bread frequently since I discovered Nigel Slater's focaccia recipe in 2009 . It has been a very popular dish with my family as well as our guests.

And I came across olive bread swirls from the BBC good food website the other day. It was easy to make and very tasty. We also made bunny and kangaroo shapes... Unfortunately the bunny looks as if she got a black eye. :(

Monday 5 July 2010


It has been very hot in London, but it cooled down a bit last weekend. So I decided to bake FIMO Soft Starter for my daughter. The clay needs to be baked in the oven at 110°C for 30 minutes to harden.

She made lots of creatures, a starfish, a ladybird, a turtle and so on...

But I think that her worm is the best of all. :)

Monday 28 June 2010


We have been going to our film club since New Year's Eve 2008. It is always great fun to go to our friends' place in Epping Forest, especially in the summer time. There is a screening room for grown-ups and a screening room for kids, but we had a joint screening in the garden yesterday which was fantastic. The films we see are quite a broad selection from Hollywood to the avant-garde.

This is one of the most popular chairs in the garden.

Belle is playing with bells. They made beautiful sounds.

The little path takes you to the pond where I saw a beautiful water lily.

Sunday 20 June 2010


My dear friend Reina sent me a lovely crochet bunting saying: BELLIEBOO.
Reina from Townhouse Goods does handmade crochet goods like brooches, blankets, personalised bunting and so on... Take a look at her work. It's beautiful!

Thursday 10 June 2010


When I came across this Japanese fashion label, おしゃれほんぽう, I just loved their design so much, it is so bold and fresh. They are on the Bellieboo top 10 wish list.
Picture above: 金魚/Gold fish

Picture above:だるま/Daruma

Tuesday 1 June 2010


As we were having a lazy bank holiday weekend, I fixed some lovely HOT CAKES which I bought at the Japan Centre in Piccadilly circus. I always found it tricky to put the right amount of baking powder and flour. This is a great solution to my problem. It was so tasty. I will take a picture of my HOT CAKES next time when I make them again.

Wednesday 19 May 2010


This is the one of the cutest animal castanets I've ever seen. I wish I had bought two of them, because my daughter loves flamenco dance recently. Hmmm... A dog and flamenco might not be a good combination...

Saturday 15 May 2010


When I was tidying up my daughter's room this morning, I found her Japanese vehicles in her toy box. She used to be obsessed with cars, trains and Bob the builder, but not any more... She loves Star Wars and Princess Belle instead.

Anyway I though that they are amazing. I love the detail and cuteness.

This is a Ramen Truck (Ramen no Yatai in Japanese) where you can have a nice hot Ramen, Gyoza and so on... Japanese businessmen tend to go there to have a snack after a drink.

I used to see this sort of mobile grocery shop when I was in Japan, but I am not sure that they still exist. I must find out when I go back this summer.

Monday 10 May 2010


I found the original artwork of a Chun Chun bird from 1999. Sadly my drawing skills have not improved much since then...

Sunday 2 May 2010


The Chun Chun bird was nesting in a bubble at Kids Modern Show.

We were told that we could have a space at Kids Modern Show four days before the show so we did not have enough time to prepare the display... but hey, we had brilliant staff to make it work.

B Mirai and Aki were fantastic. Hoa and Domo were also helping us too. Minasan arigato!

B Mirai and Florence became good friends during the show and they were playing with Noodolle's toy. Thanks, Yiying for taking such a good picture of them!