Monday 7 March 2011


B Mirai's grandparents sent her a package with an adorable cuddly toy, the Cat bus from My Neighbour Totoro. He is really cute. It is hard to see, but there is a small white wood spirit as well as Totoro himself attached to the Cat bus. You can find Totoro toys in Magma in London, but I haven't seen the cat bus in London before. So we are very pleased to have such rare Totoro stuff. :)

P.S B Mirai wanted to display her new toy for this Bellieboo blog.

Tuesday 22 February 2011


It is still freezing cold in London and I am not quite ready to shop for Spring and Summer yet. However, Bellieboo only imports a limited quantity of childrens products so it can never be too early! This long sleeve bunny top is very cute with a pink ribbon. The bow skirt has a matching long sleeve top too. I cannot wait show you all our new items.

Wednesday 12 January 2011


I found this lovely wooden holder which calls Cowacca strap when I was in Tokyo last time. It looks like a rattle or a big key ring. But it is for children to hold onto. We have lots of these type of rings hanging from the ceiling on public transport in Japan, but children aren't able to reach it because they are too little. So Rina Kono designed it for children to satisfy their desire to do what grown-ups do.

I think it will be handy for when your hands are occupied with shopping bags, so your little one can stay close to you.

Thursday 6 January 2011


B Mirai took a picture of her new cuddly toy, Bagpuss at Fortnum & Masons café.

We went to see Bagpuss at Soho theatre last weekend. Thanks to Sarah who came to the Bellieboo pop-up shop in Stoke Newington back in December and my husband who fixed the tickets.

It was a very cute performance, magical even, and B Mirai enjoyed it very much, especially when Emily came down to shake her hand. Bagpuss finishes on 9 January, so there is still a chance to go to see him.

We were not allowed to take pictures inside the theatre, but I did it accidentally...