Wednesday 29 December 2010


We normally go to France, Cornwall or Japan for Christmas, but we decided to stay in London this year and have a lazy holiday. (It is my 2nd Christmas in London in the last 14 years!!)

One of the things on my daughter's wish list was a Gingerbread house kit, which was great because she had something creative to do at home during our lazy holiday. It was fun decorating the house with her. If you are looking for something to do with your kids, I think they are great! And they are on sale at John Lewis as well.

B Mirai created a scene with her Gingerbread house
Mrs Dino came to see the gingerbread house and Pee Wee Herman and Miss Yvonne had too many sweets...

Friday 17 December 2010


We had a pop up shop at Abney Hall in Stoke Newington last Saturday. It was very nice to meet people and talk to them about Bellieboo items directly. I also enjoyed exchanging information about children events over the Christmas holiday. I would like to take my daughter to the Bagpuss show at Soho Theatre.

Aki and I totally forgot to take pictures of our stall, so I asked B.Mirai to draw it for us. I think her description is pretty good!

It was great to meet Courtney from Babyccino too.

Monday 6 December 2010


We were not going to send any Christmas cards this year. But after we got so much snow last week, we got bored and started making the cards with potato stamps. You get a nice organic shape and texture in the print, which is lovely.

We also used glitter to decorate them too.

Potato stamps: christmas tree, star, dots and small star